Holten Hang
Drive to the end of the road that goes out along the fjord from Haugland. Park and follow the plastic markers up the hill to the right. After about 5min you will see the boulder, there is a signpost to Holten pointing at it.
1. The Holten Hang 7a
From the starting jug reach all the way to the obvious pocket, continue using both breaks to a slot a little bit higher. Use this to reach the finishing hold up and right. Easier and slightly more pleasant if you use the two crimps between the starting jug and the pocket.
2. Holten Low 7a+
From the starting jug hang the crimps and drop down to the lower traverse line. Follow this to the otherside. Use the blocks at the end for your feet, get a deep knee lock and reach the finish.
3. Holten High 7a+
As for 1. but only use the top break.
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